The Christmas event is coming, and has gone onto the Test Server. There's a fair bit too the event, so I'll cover it in parts. As with anything from Test, any of this is subject to change before going live, but historically little ends up being changed, so I wouldn't expect anything dramatic.
First up, the Advent Calendar.
I'd anticipate quite a lot of countries would be aware of them, but just in case, an advent calendar is a calendar used to count down the days to Christmas. They tend to be in the form of little cardboard houses, or trees, with a door on them representing each day up until Christmas. You open one per day, often to find a pretty mediocre piece of chocolate.
Here's a picture of what it looks like, and I'll go through the elements of it.
1. First off, how to open it. During the event you'll find next to your avatar a little shooting star icon. Click it to open the calendar (there's also a quest pointing you to open it).
2. The 'doors'. Each day you can go in, and click on the days square and you'll be get a reward. There seems to be a small amount of variation, as you can see, on Day 1 I received 100 stone, someone I checked with got 100 pine. Day 4 we both got the advanced paper, and day 7 we both got 40 presents. Some days being the same and others different make me think there might be 2 - 3 possible variations of similar-ish valued goods on each regular day.
3. Note that Day 6, 12, 18 and 21 are Red, and Day 24 is Yellow. These days differ to the regular doors in that there's a set number of options present, and you must choose one from the boxes on the right (Arrow 4), and lock in the one you want.
- Day 6: Choose between 5x Manuscripts, 3x Tomes and 1x Codex.
- Day 12: Choose between 500 magic bean and 350 star coin
- Day 18: Choose between 2x Rabbit Lucky Charm (3x workyard production for 48 hours), 4x Red Flying Settler (3x workyard production for 24 hours), 3x Gold Fever (3x Gold Mine production for 16 hours), or 2x Fermentation Accelerator (4x Brewery/Friary production for 24 hours)
- Day 21: 2x Bookbinding glue (halve bookbinder production for 24 hours), 2x chocolate rabbit (halve provision house production time for 12 hours), 2x Mr. Myers (4x barracks recruiting time for 1 hour), 2x Training overtime (3x barracks speed for 12 hours).
- Day 24: 1x Silo, 1x Watermill or 1x Premium day.
5. The calendar also mentions a special features item, a Gold tower. It doesn't specifically say, but I imagine this might be the Christmas day present. Plausibly they may also try to make it so that you get the tower only if you have unlocked all of the doors to keep it more special.
Also generally, if you skip a day you are able to spend some gems to unlock the day. I'm not sure if it will get more expensive as you go, or if the general rewards get better, but I found that the regular days up until 7 at least required 20 gems to unlock, and the red door for day 6 cost 50 gems.
Seems they rephrased the part on the Advent Calendar... it's now: "Open all doors to get this awesome item: Gold Tower". So it's official.
ReplyDeleteThats great! :D
ReplyDeleteI mostly expected it. Logging in every day is pretty easy to do generally (even if only for a few minutes), so most people should be able to pull it off if you want it. And of course, the 20 gems to open the regular doors is going to be entirely worthwhile if you do need to do it once because you had to skip a day. 20 gems for a Gold Tower is a pretty good deal :).