Thursday, 20 February 2014

Random update

Hi Everyone,
Been a few weeks since my last post, was having a bit of a Settler's slump, but I think we're coming out of the other side of that.

Anyway, a week or so ago my gem pits churned out enough gems to pay for their fifth friend. Look at him there, being all gem pit-like. My smallest pit has been reduced to 6930 at this point, so he'll still be around by the time I hit 20k again, but will drain out before the following time.

Little torn as to whether I go the second endless copper mine the next time I hit 20k or pop a new pit to help maintain 5 active running at a time. Still a few weeks to make that decision though (3 and a bit weeks at a guess), but I'm leaning towards copper number 2. They have a lot of value, and the second one is going to look great in sector 2.

Other than that, I found myself spending a few gems to pick up 3x Silos, which were needed to try to finish off my Mayor's house layout. I can't think of a sensible reason for the sky-rocketing silo prices (on Sandycove anyway), but it was hard to justify coughing up for them otherwise.
Those are all levelling up at the moment, and I'll show how the finalish product looks when they finish.

Other than that, there's not a lot going on at the moment.
I'm looking forward to delving into improved silo layouts if and when they go live, we have Easter on the horizon which should be nice, everyone could use another Veteren General, and of course at some random time we'll have science running for generals and the overall island we'll also look at.

I might try looking at some positions involving improved storehouses, but they're just so fiddly, I don't anticipate finding a lot that lives up to the standards in my head.

I'd also like to throw out there that if anyone of you would like, feel free to submit your own layouts if you have something different going on that may interest others. If this corner of the internet becomes a general place for layout ideas I'd be happy with that, and credit your alongside any of your ideas. It's easier for me to do up a post for if you include travel times (I like to see and show everyone how close to equal travel times are for layouts), but it's not essential.

Until next time, happy Settling.

1 comment:

  1. Dont worry cause in Northisle the price of Silos, Watermills and Improved Storehouse are insane going around for 10k. Oh yeah i have seen for a few days a Friary for 27k... Am I playing the game in the wrong way? Cause these amounts are quite high.... Anyway, my gem pit is working too to get some friends so i just have to wait...
